From the Horse's Mouth

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Financial Planning & Management

Wealth Management

Financial planning, investment portfolio management, banking, risk management, and tax strategies to help affluent individuals sustain and grow their wealth.

Retirement Planning

Setting savings goals, estimating expenses, choosing the right retirement accounts, allocating investments, and managing withdrawals to ensure sufficient funds last through one’s post-career life.

Financial Education

Providing people with the knowledge, skills, and tools to understand finances, manage money effectively, invest profitably, and take control of their financial wellbeing.

What my clients are saying about my services:

“As the CEO of a rapidly growing tech startup, I frequently find myself at the negotiation table striking complex deals. I turned to Patrick James’ in-depth guide on advanced business negotiation strategies to strengthen my approach. His insights on preparation, psychological tactics, bargaining techniques, and closing strategies completely transformed how I navigate high-stakes negotiations.

Just last month, I leveraged his advice on anchoring, strategic concessions, rapport building, and the assumptive close to land a pivotal partnership contract that otherwise seemed destined for stalemate. Not only were we able to come to mutually agreeable terms after months of back-and-forth, but I also walked away with additional concessions that will fuel our expansion plans.

The value I derived from just this one negotiation more than made up for the time invested in learning Patrick James’ strategies.” – Business Leader in Chicago

“After spending over two decades growing my company, I was ready to retire and sell the business. But I quickly realized that without proper planning and strategic enhancements, I risked leaving a lot of potential value on the table during exit negotiations. That’s when I turned to Patrick James.

Implementing just a handful of his recommendations in preparation for my sale completely changed the equation. Tightening up my financial records, expanding into a new market, and putting together an all-star management team to ensure continuity boosted my business valuation by over 30%!” – Midsize Chicago Business Owner

“When negotiations began, I leveraged Patrick James’ advice at every turn – from setting an ambitious yet defensible anchor point to making strategic concessions. This ultimately drove the final sale price well beyond my initial expectations. The difference between what I had planned to accept and the number I actually walked away with is sufficient to fully fund my retirement and then some.

I cannot overstate the immense value I gleaned from Patrick. His guidance was a game-changer that directly put millions more in my pocket. For any business owner thinking of selling, engaging him for exit consulting is easily the best investment you’ll ever make.” – CEO of Midsize Colorado Business

“As a Director of Strategic Partnerships, striking complex deals with vendors and clients is my bread and butter. While I thought I was a fairly strong negotiator, I would often hit walls getting parties to agree on favorable terms.

Patrick James’ insights completely elevated my negotiation game. Just last week, I put some of his techniques into play while finalizing a high-value contract and the results speak for themselves. By identifying psychological leverage points in the negotiation and leveraging strategic anchoring, I was able to shift the entire value exchange in our favor to the tune of over $200K per year while still reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.”

“When it comes to negotiation prowess, I’m thoroughly convinced of Patrick James’ mastery. His counsel is critical for any executive in the business of striking complex, high-stakes deals.”

